CE 432 Fall 2021
Tutorial 2: Take Photos (Module 2 and 3 in Rui's textbook)
Taylor Nakai

In tutorial, we built on top of what we learned in Tutorial 1: Getting Started. We followed the examples in Module 2 and Module 3, which involved different ways of using the ESP32-CAM's camera. The examples had us save photos to a microSD card, customize the photo names that were saved to the microSD, operate the ESP32-CAM's camera using a pushbutton, create a webserver to operate the ESP32-CAM's camera, integrating the webserver to work with the microSD, use the webserver email the photo taken, and using the Telegram Messenger app to control the LED and recieve photos taken. The code used can be found in Tutorial_2.txt.

FTDI Cable1
Power Supply1
External Antenna1
Push Button1
10k Ohm Resistor1
Jumper Cables6
Bread Board1
Telegram Messenger

Task 1:
In task 1, we followed the example in Module 2, Unit 1 of Rui's textbook. This example allowed us to take a photo using the ESP32-CAM and save them to an external microSD card every few seconds, depending on the delay that the user sets. The LED on the ESP32-CAM blinked every time a photo was taken to inform the user of how many photos have been taken.  The photos were saved under the default naming convention "picture#.jpg, where # corresponds to the picture number as seen in Figure 1. One noticable thing was that the first picture always had a green tint.

Figure 1. Saved pictures on the microSD card.

Task 2:
In task 2, we followed the example in Module 2, Unit 2 of Rui's textbook. This example modified the code in Task 1 to include the date and time in the photo filename as seen in Figure 2. The time was requested from an NTP Server, but we needed to modify the gmtOffset_sec variable match up to MST .

Figure 2. Saved pictures on the microSD card including the date and time in the filename.

Task 3:
In task 3, we followed the example in Module 2, Unit 3 of Rui's textbook. This example had us connect a pushbutton to the ESP32-CAM that allowed us to control when a photo is taken and saved to the microSD card. Since GPIO pins 0, 2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 are already being used, the pushbutton was connected to the ESP32-CAM using GPIO pin 16. The code included a debouce sketch to help prevent the ESP32-CAM from crashing if a false positive press is detected, as it checks the state of the button twice to ensure that the button was actually pressed. When the pushbutton is pressed, the LED flashes to indicate that a photo is taken and saved to the microSD card. Figure 3 shows the sequence of events after the pushbutton is pressed.

Figure 3. Arduio's serial monitor showing when the pushbutton is pressed and the filename the photo is saved under.

Task 4:
In task 4, we followed the example in Module 2, Unit 5 of Rui's textbook. This example has us build a web server that allowed for commands to be sent to the ESP32-CAM. In order to build the web server, the ESPAsyncWebServer and AsyncTCP libraries need to be installed. The commands that can be sent to the ESP32-CAM are rotate, capture photo, and refresh page. When the user clicks on the capture photo button, the ESP32-CAM take a photo and saves it to it's filesystem, SPIFFS. Once a photo is taken, the refresh page button can be clicked to refresh the page and display the photo taken. The rotate button can be clicked to change the orientation of the photo. Figure 4 shows the web page that has the buttons for the commands and last photo taken. An interesting feature is that even if the board is restarted, the last photo taken is still accessible.

Figure 4. Web page showing commands and last photo taken.

Task 5:
In task 5, we followed the example in Module 2, Unit 6 of Rui's textbook. This example allowed for us to build a web server that manages the photos saved on the microSD. The commands that can be sent to the ESP32-CAM are rotate, capture photo, refresh page, and view and delete photos. When the user clicks on the capture photo button, the ESP32-CAM take a photo and saves it to the microSD card. Once a photo is taken, the refresh page button can be clicked to refresh the page and display the photo taken. The rotate button can be clicked to change the orientation of the photo. The view and delete photos button can be clicked to view or delete previous photos on the microSD. Figure 5 shows the web page that has the buttons for the commands and last photo taken. Figure 6 shows the web page when view and delete photos button is clicked.

Task 5:
In task 5, we followed the example in Module 2, Unit 6 of Rui's textbook.

Figure 5. Web page showing commands and last photo taken.

Figure 6. Web page showing the options when view and delete photos button is clicked.

Task 6:
In task 6, we followed the example in Module 3, Unit 1 of Rui's textbook. This example allowed us to send the photo taken with the ESP32-CAM to an email account automatically. In order to send the photo through email, the ESP-Mail-Client library need to be installed.The photo is saved in the ESP32-CAM's SPIFFS and sent from a sender email account. Since I used Gmail, I had to allow less secure apps in the settings and using the Gmail SMTP Server Settings. The sender's email address, sender's email password, recipient's email address, and network credentials needed to be provided. Figure 7 shows the email that was recieved from the gmail sender email and attached is the photo the ESP32-CAM took. Figure 8 shows the output from Arduino's serial monitor and the photo that was taken.

Figure 7. Email from sender email contain photo that was taken.

Figure 8. Arduino's serial monitor output and photo from email.

Task 7:
In task 7, we followed the example in Module 3, Unit 3 of Rui's textbook. This example allowed us to set up the web server so that we could send the photo taken with the ESP32-CAM to an email address. A bonus was that we could set the recipient's email address through the web server. The commands that can be sent to the ESP32-CAM are capture photo, refresh page, and email photo. . When the user clicks on the capture photo button, the ESP32-CAM take a photo and saves it to it's SPIFFS. Once a photo is taken, the refresh page button can be clicked to refresh the page and display the photo taken. When the user clicks email photo, it sends the most recent photo to the email address provided. Figure 9 shows the web page and the commands that are available for the user to choose from. Figure 10 shows the email that was recieved from the gmail sender email and attached is the photo the ESP32-CAM took. Figure 11 shows the output from Arduino's serial monitor and the photo that was taken.

Figure 9. Web page showing commands and last photo taken.

Figure 10. Email from sender email contain photo that was taken.

Figure 11. Arduino's serial monitor output and photo from email.

Task 8:
In task 8, we followed the example in Module 3, Unit 4 of Rui's textbook. This example allowed us to use the Telegram Messenger app to interact with the ESP32-CAM. In order to complete this task, the Telegram messenger app needed to be installed on my iPhone and the Universal Telegram Bot Library and the ArduinoJson Library needed to be installed. Once the app was installed, a Telegram bot need to be created and I needed my Telegram user ID. Two commands could be sent through the messenger app, /flash and /photo. The command /flash would turn on or off the ESP32-CAM's LED and the command /photo would request a new photo from the ESP32-CAM. Figure 12 shows the commands being sent through the Telegram Messenger app and the response from the ESP32-CAM.

Figure 12. The commands sent through the Telegram Messenger app and the response.

By completing this tutorial, we were able to gain more comfortability using the ESP32-CAM. It was interesting to see the different ways that we could use the ESP32-CAM to capture photos, store photos, display photos, and sharing photos through email. I can see how useful the ESP32-CAM can be, and see the many possibilities that come from integrating this into a project. Overall, I learned some really cool things through this tutorial and look forward to more tutorials that use the ESP32-CAM.