CE 432 Fall 2021
Tutorial 1: Getting Started
Taylor Nakai

In tutorial, we followed two examples from the ESP32-CAM projects book by Rui Santos. The two examples used the 'CameraWebServer' example and the 'LED' example. The tutorial was meant to get us comfortable using the ESP32-CAM. In order for us to use the ESP32-CAM we needed to have the latest version of the ESP32 module and rotate the 0 ohm resistor so that the external antenna could be used.

FTDI Cable1
Power Supply1
External Antenna1
Push Button1
10k Ohm Resistor1
Jumper Cables6
Bread Board1

Task 1:
In task 1, we followed the 'CameraWebServer' example to be able to use the ESP32-CAM to video stream, use face detection, and use face recognition. To use the ESP32-CAM, we needed to get the ESP32's IP address as seen in Figure 1. Once we had the IP address we could access the ESP's streaming server. In order to use the face detection functionality we need to modify the code by replacing the 'free()' functions with 'dl_lib_free()' function. The first thing to do once connected to the stream is to activate the face detection option as seen in Figure 2. If you turn on the face recognition option without enrolling a face, it will detect you as an intruder as seen in Figure 3 and 5. If you have an enrolled face, it will detect you as a subject as seen in Figure 4.

Figure 1. IP Address for ESP webserver.

Figure 2. Face detection using ESP32-CAM.

Figure 3. Unenrolled face using the ESP32-CAM.

Figure 4. Enrolled face using the ESP32-CAM.

Figure 5. Unenrolled face using the ESP32-CAM.

Task 2:
In task 2, we followed the LED examples in the book to be able to use the ESP32-CAM's LED to blink, to use a pushbutton to control the LED, and to use the PWM functionality to control the brightness of the LED. By controlling the GPIO pins we are able to control the functionality of the LED. In Demostration 1, we used the code provided to make the ESP32's LED blink on and off every 2 seconds. In Demonstration 2, we used the code provided to be able to control the ESP32's LED using a pushbutton, using GPIO2 to recieve the signal to turn the LED on/off from the push button. In Demonstration 3, we used the code provided to use the PWM functionality to increase and decrease the brightness of the LED.

Demonstration 1. Using the ESP32's LED to blink.

Demonstration 2. Using a pushbutton to control the ESP32's LED to turn on and off.

Demonstration 3. Using the PWM functionality to control ESP32's LED brightness.

By completing this tutorial, we were able to gain comfortability using the ESP32-CAM. Rotating the 0 ohm resistor on the ESP32 to be able to use the external antenna was probably the most challenging part. Learning how to use the video stream, face detection, and face recognition capabilities were useful and interesting. Overall, this tutorial was a good introduction on how to work with the ESP32-CAM and use its various capabilities.