CE 351 Microcontrollers

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

1. Power Supply Circuit for MCU

2. The purpose of this lab was to learn the basics of the PCB design program eagle and to create a power supply module for a micro controller unit (MCU). This was achieved by finding dimensions of surface mount devices and designing devices in Eagle. These devices were then placed on a schematic. The schematic was used to create a layout of the PCB.

3. Materials and Methods

EAGLE computer Application
Paper and Pencil

4. Results

Figure 1.  Devices created using Eagle PCB and Sparkfun libraries as well as self defined libraries.

Figure 2.  Schematic of the PCB power supply circuit for Microcontroller unit.

Figure 3.  Layout of printed cuircut board for power supply cuircit with dimensions (dimensions removed before Gerber creation).

Figure 4.  Layout of the final board with auto route creation and top and bottom copper layers.

5. Discussion

Eagle is a useful tool for creating PCBs. At first there is a bit of a learning curve as it is a little particular. Over all given adaquate time Eagle PCB flows much easier and allows for sufficent design of a Power supply board.