CE351 Microcontrollers

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

1.  MSP430 and STM32

2.  The purpose of this lab is to learn new microcontrollers and get an introductory lesson on using them by replicating some of there applications that relate to previous microcontrollers. The microcontrollers vary in that one is faster and uses less power the STM32 and the other is similar to the ardiuno and is made by Texas Instruments.

3. Materials and Methods

Arduino UNO

4. Results

Figure 1.  Blink task on the MSP 430

Figure 2. Serial communication task verification using the test print.

Figure 3. Potentiometer task that dims the led using analog input on the MSP 430.

Figure 4.  Communication using the HC-05 Bluetooth module to turn on the led (had to use terminal on computer due to no app on iphone)

Figure 5. Voice controlled bluetooth module to turn on the light and turn off (used friends phone).

Figure 6. Demonstration of OLED display using the smiley face.

Figure 7.  Test text sent to the OLED verification.

Figure 8. Bluetooth serial monitor where text was typed and passed to be displayed on the OLED.

Figure 9. Text passed onto the OLED from previous figure.

Figure 10. Introduction to the STM32 by allowing the led to light up.

Figure 11. Hello world implemetation using the STM32 with code edit.

Figure 12. Echo Data recieved over UART task shown with the Fort Lewis College text.

Figure 13. Final task were STM32 is used to transmitt accelorameter and print on the serial monitor.

5. Discussion

The lab was great to introduce new microcontrollers and some of there applications. The STM32 is seemingly more involved code wise but overall is a formitable way of implementing tasks like accelormeter data. The MSP 430 was similar to arduino and was vey user friendly overall. The only hiccup was using an iphone. Iphones are good for all non engineering purposes even better than android but when it comes to engineering applications its the better horse.