1. Build an IoT Temperature Monitor
2. The purpose of this lab is to build and IoT temperature
sensor. To complete this task one will begin by burning the boot loader
on to the NANO device, demonstrating the boot loader has been
sucessfully burned by displaying on the OLED screen, setting up a read
of temperature using the Dallas DS1820, and using a ISR while
displaying on the SSD1306.
Figure 2. Verification of just Dead beef on OLED module.
Figure 3. Task 3 and task 4 Creation of Iot Temp Sensor and ability to
change password and access point using push buttons.
Figure 4. Task 5 Layout and Schematic designed in eagle.
Figure 5. Functionality of the pcb design verification. (PCB still hot still temp sensor reads high)
The lab was interesting because it allowed us to display
temperature throught a new module. The Dallas sensor was useful because
of its one wire design and similarly the oled module allowed for
minimal wire input. The Lab also helped to learn more of the arduino
code and a the new skill of burning bootloader onto the nano device.