1. LCD, Sensors, Actuators
2. The purpose of this lab was to be able to use LCD as a
display device, to use temperature, humidity, and remote sensors, and
be able to display temperature with 7 segment display
3. Materials and Methods
Arduino UNO
Paper and Pencil
Arduino Application
4. Results
Figure 1. Display of Hello World shown on LCD display
Figure 2. Hellow World with a 5 counter displayed on LCD.
Figure 3. Rango scrolling text
shown on the LCD display.
Figure 4. Initial untouched LCD temperature display shown with
Figure 5. Touched
LCD temperature display shown with thermistor.
Figure 6. DH11
Temp and humidity sensor shown with blowing test to increase in value.
Figure 7.
Temperature displayed with the TMP36 sensor displayed on LCD.
8. The zero key pressed displaying the respective IR code on LCD.
9. Inferred Remote and Sensor display with LCD displaying several
commands and codes.
Figure 10. BareBones led blinking shown for the 328p MCU.
Figure 11-13. Code for the barebone MCU and DHT11 sensor to read temperature (displays number but not respective temperature).
Figure 14. Wiring of the Barebone MCU and sensor shown to display but not adaquetly track the temperature.
The applications were very useful and informative. Part 9 was
challenging possiblibly an error in the code or a misconnection.
Overall the lab was helpful in understanding the basics of LCD and
Sensors. More work will need to be done to debug the DHT11 sensor and
barebone MCU.