ENGR338 Digital Electronics Lab 2021 Fall

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

Build a NAND, NOR, XOR, and Full Adder

2. The purpose of this lab was to build the schematic and layout of a NAND gate. The schematic and layout of the NOR gate was built. The design, simulation, and layout of the XOR gate was established in the lab. Lastly the design, simulation, and layout of the full adder was created. All of these helped to further solidify the layout out of various computer logic and how it relates to stick diagrams.

3. Materials and Methods

LTSpice computer Application
Paper and Pencil
Electric VLSI Application

4. Results

Figure 1. NAND icon simulated using pulse function and LT spice.

Figure 2. NAND gate layout shown in Electric using NMOS and PMOS components.

Figure 3. NAND gate schematic shown in Electric using NMOS and PMOS components.

Figure 4. NOR icon simulated using pulse function and LT spice.

Figure 5. NOR gate layout shown in Electric using NMOS and PMOS components.

Figure 6. NOR gate schematic shown in Electric using NMOS and PMOS components.

Figure 7. XOR icon simulated using pulse function and LT spice shown connected to Vdd.

Figure 8. XOR icon simulated using pulse function and LT spice shown connected to ground.

Figure 9. XOR gate layout shown in Electric using NMOS and PMOS components with clean DRC and NCC.

Figure 10. XOR gate schematic shown in Electric using NMOS and PMOS components.

Figure 11. Full Adder icon simulated using pulse function and LT spice shown connected to ground.

Figure 12. Full Adder gate layout shown in Electric using NMOS and PMOS components with clean DRC and NCC.

Figure 13. Full Adder icon simulated using pulse function and LT spice shown connected to ground.

Figure 14. Full Adder gate schematic shown in Electric using NMOS and PMOS components.

5. Discussion

Electric helps to distinguish the layouts and schematics verusus the computer logic. The stick diagrams are a useful tool to simplify and visualize curcuits before they are implemented using Electric. The lab was helpful to show how computer logic trasnforms small components into large helpful curcuits such as the full adder.