ENGR338 Digital Electronics Lab 2021 Fall

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

Layout the R-2R DAC

2. The purpose of this lab was to build a layout of the R-2R DAC (version 2), pair the R-2R DAC with an ideal ADC, and finally to run a simulation of this creation. To simulate Electric VLSI was used, then LTSpice to give a visual representation.

3. Materials and Methods

LTSpice computer Application
Paper and Pencil
Electric VLSI Application

4. Results

Figure 1. Schematic of subcells for the R_2R_Ladder created using electric VLSI, shown with clean DRC.

Figure 2. R-2R Subcell Layout created using Electric VLSI. Design created using three N-well resistors stacked on top of another and wired together. Then 10 of these were wired together and exported with names B9-B0. Subcell Layout shown with clean DRC and NCC.

Figure 3. R-2R DAC shown using N-Well resistors in Layout view.

Figure 4. R-2R DAC and ideal ADC paired and simulated using LTspice showing the voltage pulse in and the replicated digital data out.

5. Discussion

Electric is an effective tool for the layout of the R- 2R DAC and ADC. The LTSpice simulations helped to verify that analog voltage data is being converted to digital data. The lab helped to produce layout schematics of the R_2R ladder and create more consise forms of the logic shown.