ENGR338 Digital Electronics Lab 2021 Fall

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

Design an R-2R DAC

2. The purpose of this lab was to build a schematic of the R-2R DAC and to test the time delay of a built DAC, and finally to run simulations of these creations. To simulate Electric VLSI was used, then LTSpice to give a visual representation.

3. Materials and Methods

LTSpice computer Application
Paper and Pencil
Electric VLSI Application

4. Results

Figure 1. ADC-DAC existing ideal files simulated using LTSpice.

Figure 2. R-2R DAC Schematic built using Electric.

Figure 3. R-2R DAC simulated using LTspice.

Figure 4. Time Delay simulated using B9 pin when DAC drives a 10pF load.

Figure 5. Time Delay calculated using B9 pin when DAC drives a 10pF load.

5. Discussion

Electric is an effective tool for the layout of the R- 2R DAC and ADC. The LTSpice simulations helped to verify knowledge of R-2R explained
during class. Using Thevnins it becomes possible to reduce the R-2R curcuit and verify the Voltage out component of the overall design. The
similations help to see the data being sampled and sent to the ADC to be converted to a digital signal.