ENGR338 Digital Electronics Lab 2021 Fall

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

Design a Simple 8-Bit ALU

2. The purpose of this lab is to build and simulate the logic of the Arithmatic Logic Unit and to complete a layout of the ALU from previous components. The ALU is designed to do mathmatical functions as part of a larger intergrated curcuit.

3. Materials and Methods

LTSpice computer Application
Paper and Pencil
Electric VLSI Application

4. Results

Figure 1. 8-bit inverter component used for ALU design, fashioned from 20/10 inverter.

Figure 2. Simulation using LT spice of 8-bit ALU to verify AND logic.

Figure 3. Simulation using LT spice of 8-bit ALU to verify OR logic.

Figure 4. Simulation using LT spice of 8-bit ALU to verify ADD operation.

Figure 5. Simulation using LT spice of 8-bit ALU to verify SUB operation

Figure 6. Schematic of the ALU shown in Electric VLSI.

Figure 7. Final Layout of ALU shown in Electric VLSI.

Figure 8. Final Layout of ALU shown in Electric VLSI with clean NCC topologies.

5. Discussion

The ALU was the culmanation of all the previous parts created including the XOR, AND, and MUX. These all were challenging to create the most challenging was the full adder and the wiring of the ALU. Many wires and many connections used while forming the 8 bit Arthmatic Logic Unit. Electric is a great tool for design these complex curcuits, just make sure to save in proper location with proper name.