Embedded Systems Spring 2024
Mason Brady
Email: mrbrady1@fortlewis.edu

Quiz Week 6:

This one is super easy after the last HW. Just changed two lines multiplying sx by 2 and subtracting sx from the pixel adress when we've hit sx/

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 03/06/2024 02:25:52 PM
// Design Name:
// Module Name: hw6
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:

module VGA_module(clk25, pixel_data, sx, sy, red, green, blue, Hsync, Vsync, pixel_addr);
    input clk25;
    input [7:0] pixel_data;
    input [7:0] sx, sy;
    output reg [2:0] red, green , blue;
    output reg Hsync, Vsync;
    output reg [12:0] pixel_addr;
    localparam HDISP = 640;
    localparam HFP = 16;
    localparam HPW = 96;
    localparam HLIM = 800;
    localparam VDISP = 480;
    localparam VFP = 10;
    localparam VPW = 2;
    localparam VLIM = 525;
    reg [10:0] hcount = 0;
    reg [10:0] vcount = 0;
    reg enable = 0;
    always @(posedge clk25) begin
        if(hcount < HLIM - 1) hcount <= hcount + 1;
        else begin
            hcount <= 0;
            if(vcount < VLIM - 1) vcount <= vcount + 1;
            else vcount <= 0;
        if(vcount > sy) begin
            pixel_addr <= -1;
            enable <= 0;
        else begin
            if (hcount == sx) pixel_addr = pixel_addr - sx;
            if (hcount < 2 * sx) begin
                enable <= 1;
                pixel_addr <= pixel_addr + 1;
            end else enable <= 0;
        if(enable == 1) begin
            red <= pixel_data [2:0];
            green <= pixel_data [5:3];
            blue <= pixel_data [7:6];
        end else begin
            red <= 3'b000;
            green <= 3'b000;
            blue <= 2'b00;
        if (hcount > (HDISP + HFP) && hcount <= (HDISP + HFP + HPW)) Hsync <= 0;
        else Hsync <= 1;
        if (vcount >= (VDISP + VFP) && vcount <= (VDISP + VFP + VPW)) Vsync <= 0;
        else Vsync <= 1;
module VGA_top_module(clk, vgaRed, vgaGreen, vgaBlue, Hsync, Vsync);

    input clk;
    output [2:0] vgaRed;
    output [2:0] vgaGreen;
    output [1:0] vgaBlue;
    output Hsync;
    output Vsync;
    parameter sx = 80;
    parameter sy = 80;
    wire clk25;
    wire [12:0] pixel_addr;
    wire [7:0] pixel_data;
    clk_wiz_0 clock(clk25, clk);
    dist_mem_gen_0 memory(.a(pixel_addr), .spo(pixel_data));
    VGA_module VGA(.clk25(clk25), .pixel_data(pixel_data), .sx(sx), .sy(sy), .red(vgaRed), .green(vgaGreen), .blue(vgaBlue), .Hsync(Hsync), .Vsync(Vsync), .pixel_addr(pixel_addr));


I found this mildly comedic when I used a nonblocking assingment. I'm not really sure how it ended up working out to this image but it was funnny.

The demo is below: