CE 432 Practical Robot Design 2023 Fall
HW 5 Joystick Stepper Control
Name: Jesse Moder

Email: jmmoder@fortlewis.edu

Task 1.

The joystick was connected to the Arduino and the joystick example code was uploaded.
The x and y axis values matched what was expected for up, down, left, and right motions
of the joystick.

joystick arduino connection
arduino joystick serial monintor

Task 2.

Transmit and receive switch, x-axis, and y-axis data with R24f wireless module. The output values for the x and y axis positions from the transmitter match the input values printed from receiver.

reveive and transmit serial monitor

Task 3.

Control stepper motor with R24f wireless module.
The remote control transmitter and receiver Arduino sketches are located in the file 432HW5.

Controlling a stepper motor with a joystick and a wireless module was a fun project that was also challenging.
When running the original code for the R24f wireless module, the data transmitted appeared to be all 0's.
I then coded the switch, x-axis, and y-axis variables into an array to send the data once instead of three
 different radio write commands. I still received 0's when sending the data as an array.
I found a tutorial in the Arduino forum which recommended to send the data as a structure. I put the variables
in a structure instead of an array and the receiver displayed the expected inputs.

These tutorials provide a good base of knowledge to build a wireless controller for a variety of applications,
such as robotics, gaming, industrial control, and other remote systems.