CE433 2022 Spring
Week 4
John Hitti


Week 4

In this week's project we will be exploring different memory storage capabilities with Verilog and Vivado simulations. We will be creating and simulating various latch and flip-flops as well as working with rom memory files and the IP core capabilities of Vivado.

Task 1

In this task we will repeat the simulations in section 1-3 by coding them in Verilog and running a simulation.

SR Flip-Flop

D Latch

Edge Triggered D Flip-Flop

Task 2
In this task we will write test benches for and run simulations for sections 4 and 5.

Edge Triggered JK Flip-Flop

The T Flip-Flop

Task 3
In this task we will repeat the work in section 8.
First we will make a program that can access a ROM file storing 8-bit hex information.
This is coded in Verilog and then tested with a simulation.

Now we can repeat this using a four hex data memory file.

Now we can repeat this for an 8-bit memory file.

Now we can repeat this for a 3-bit memory file.

Now we can repeat this for the ROM IP Core (with an edited COE file to better illustrate the results)

This project is a great introduction to the wide variety of memory capabilities in Verilog and Vivado and will help in further projects that require this form of data processing.