CE432 2020 Fall
Tutorial 6
John Hitti


Tutorial 6 - Sensors and Actuators Assignment
In this tutorial we will be completing the assignment given in homework 6. This assignment covers a variety of problems involving various sensors and actuators.

Task 1. Wheatstone Bridge
In this task we are to explain why the full wheatstone bridge is the most sensitive gauge to resistance variations.

In the image below we can see that the full bride is four times more sensitive than the quarter bridge and twice as sensitive as the half bridge.

Task 2. Distance Sensor Using HC-SR04
In this task we created a distance sensor using an Arduino and the HC-SR04 module. However, we did not use the SR04.h library and instead used customized code.

Task 3. Pulse Detector
In this task we created pulse detector and emitter using an Arduino. When the Arduino receives a 5v pulse signal from the function generator it waits for 800us and then emits a pulse 400us in length. This can then be measured using the oscilloscope. The code can be seen here.

Task 4. Vibration Sensor using MPU6050 and Buzzer
In this task we created a vibration sensor using an Arduino, an MPU6050, and a Buzzer. When the Arduino detects a change in the MPU6050's acceleration it sends a signal to the buzzer alerting the user that vibrations were detected. The code can be seen here.

Task 5. Joystick Controlled Stepper Motor
In this task we took the previous task in tutorial 5 a bit further by allowing the speed of the stepper motor to be controlled by the Y-axis of the joystick. Now the joystick can control both direction and speed all while being wirelessly controlled. The transmitter code can be seen here. The reciever and motor driver code can be seen here.

Task 6. Rotary Encoder
In this task we programmed the Arduino to interface with a rotary encoder. Using the following algorithm.

The code can be seen here.

Overall this assignment was an excellent introduction into the many different types of sensors and actuators that can be used with the Arduino. This assignment provided an in-depth and hands on approach on these specific sensors which will help with upcoming projects.