CE 433 Spring 2022
Homework 9
Name: David Lee

Email: djlee1@fortlewis.edu

Universal Serial BUS (USB)
In this homework assignment we use Vivado and the Basys 3 Board learn about the functions of USB and serial communitcations

Materials and Methods:
vim, Vivado


Task 1:Repeat the Work in Section 1

Figure 1: Shows the video of the task being completed

Task 2: Design the testbench and the scan code to ASCII converter to display key values on the serial monitor

Figure 2: Shows code used in the Top module to help display the value on a serial monitor

Figure 3: Show the top portion of the top module that allows the TX communitcation to the serial monitor

Figure 4: Shows the video of the task being completed
This assignment was able to be successfully completed. The chanllengeing part was to figure out what was needed to be changed inorder to make the serial monitor display the correct value. I got it working quickly but when i would press a key it would display the wrong value. This is where I had to implement the code in figure 2 inorder for it to display the correct value.