CE 433 Spring 2022
Homework 8
Name: David Lee

Email: djlee1@fortlewis.edu

Embedded a Soft-Core

In this homework assignment we use Vivado and the Basys 3 Board learn about Softcore

Materials and Methods:
vim, Vivado


Task 1:
The work flow of SoC design using KCPSM6 and Basys3

Figure 1: Shows the video of the task being completed

Task 2: The Square Problem

Figure 2: Shows video of the task being completed

Task 3: Assmebly Example Adding 0x13 to the LEDs

Figure 3: Shows the video of the task being completed

Task 4: Assembly Example: Using the MASK

Figure 4: Shows the video of Task being completed

Task 5: Assembly Example: Shift the SW input to the Right by one bit

Figure 5: Shows the video to the completed task

Task 6: Assembly Example: Use Jump, Return, and Load instructions

Figure 6: Shows the video of the completed task

Task 7: Assembly Example: Practice with multiple subroutines

Figure 7: Shows the image of the Task 7 being completed

Task 8: Assembly Example: Use the 'Compare' instruction instead

Figure 8: Shows the image of Task8 being completed

Figure 9: Shows the code of the Task 8 being completed

Task 9: Assembly Programming Task- Design an Assembly code to show the number of switches that are ON. On the leds in binary form. the result must be able to show on LEDS without reprogramming.

Figure 10: Shows the Code needed for task 9

Figure 11: Shows the video of the Task 9 being completed

This assignment was able to be successfully completed. The most challenging part for me with this assignment was to get teh binary count to work correctly. I was able to get this so it was good to learn what things are need to be changed inorder to implement something more complex.