CE 433 Spring 2022
Homework 6
Name: David Lee

Email: djlee1@fortlewis.edu


In this homework assignment we use Vivado and the Basys 3 Board to display screens to a monitor using a vga connection

Materials and Methods:
vim, Vivado


Task 1:
Repeat the work in section 2

Figure 1: Shows the test bench used

Figure 2: Shows code used to display, first half

Figure 3: Shows the code used to display, 2nd half

Figure 4: Shows the video of the image being projected on the screen

Task 2:
Complete the 1st task in section 3. Create a blank white background.

Figure 5: Shows the test bench used

Figure 6: Shows the code used for task 2

Figure 7: Shows the code used for task 2

Figure 8: Shows the code used for task2

Task 3: Switch between R,G,B, three solid colors, the interval of color change is 1 second.

Figure 9: Shows the Code used

Figure 10: Shows the code used

Figure 11: Shows the video of the screen performing the task

This assignment was able to be successfully completed. The part that was the hardest for me was getting the clock section in task 3 to preform how I wanted.