CE 433 Spring 2022
Homework 5
Name: David Lee

Email: djlee1@fortlewis.edu

Data Storage

In this homework assignment we use vivado and verilog to create sequential Circuits

Materials and Methods:
vim, Vivado


Task 1:
From the state table, find the logic equations for q1(n+1) and y and draw the sequential circuit for q1(n+1) and y.

Figure 1: Shows worked out solution
Task 2: Repeat the work in Section 3. Use two methods, the given one and the behavioral one. Show simulation results

Figure 2: Shows The simulation results of the SequenceDetector using the first method

Figure 3: Shows The Code for the SequenceDetector using the first method

Figure 4: Shows The Simulation of the Sequence Detector Using Behavioral Method

Figure 5: Shows the Code of the Sequence Detector Using Behavioral Method Top

Figure 6: Shows the Code of the Sequence Detector Using Behavioral Method Test Bench

Task 3: Simulate the four types of shift registers in Section 5.

Figure 7: Shows the Code of the SISO

Figure 8: Shows the Simulation of the SISO

Figure 9: Shows the Code of the SIPO

Figure 10: Shows the Simulation Results of the SIPO

Figure 11: Shows the code for the PISO

Figure 12: Shows the Simulation of the PISO

Figure 13: Shows the Code for PIPO

Figure 14: Shows the Simulation PIPO

Task 4: Build a counter module and show the simulation results.

Figure 15:
Shows the Code of the 2-Bit Synchronouc Counter

Figure 16: Shows the Simulation of the 2-Bit Synchronousn Counter

Task 5: Find the logic equation of the following circuit and implement it in verilog. Show the simulation results.

Figure 17: Shows the HandWritten work of the Circuit Given

Figure 18: Shows the Code of the Circuit Given

Figure 19: Shows the Simulation of the Circuit Given

This assignment was able to be successfully completed. The only parts I struggled on a bit was creating the logic equations for the circuit in Task 5 and the Logic equations in Task 1 because it has been a while since I have done those. However it was a good thing to practice and complete getting a circuit from a schematic and having to create a simulation of it in Vivado.