Panelize a small PCB layout design for lower cost

When the layout is completed, in the layout view, click Tools - Panelize
This process will identify board and parts numbers and standardize them to prevent incremental labeling. For instance, when copying and pasting a board layout in the same view, a resistor labeled R1 on one board may become R52 on another board, depending on the number of resistors present. Treating the incremented part number or name as a distinct design may result in a significantly higher fabrication fee. If the board got panelized, the same resistor on these replicates will show the same numbers/names (all R1s, etc).

Download this SparkFun Zip folder and find the SparkFun-Panelizer.ulp script to run the panelizing process to put things in an array.

The JLC PCB standard size (without extra charges) is 10mm x 10mm. Keep the size of the PCB smaller than this dimension will reduce the cost of the fab.

After clicking 'Generate', it will generate the following layout with the V-Score lines.

To re-size the V-Score lines, you must select the line by selecting the tip of the line. Simply clicking the line will not allow you to drag/resize the line in Eagle. Selecting the tip by drawing a box around the tip as shown in the following figure then resize it by clicking and holding one terminal of the line.

The dimension line of each board in the panel should be deleted. Displaying the dimension as follows:

It shows the following view:

Delete the dimension lines of each board (don't delete the through holes in the corners).

Resize the V-SCORE lines:

Draw the dimension of the entire board:

Export the gerber file using the following CAM proessor:

Make sure that the parts in all boards have the same names. In the layers, delete the tName and bName layers, add the _tName and _bName layers. The original tName and bName layers keep the different names of the parts. However, the _tName and _bName layers are the extracted names from panelization so they show the same names.

In the Profile layer (the cut layer), add Vscore and Milling in it.

Then export the Gerber files for fab.