ENGR 338 Lab 7
Name: Zane Sauer

Email: zmsauer@fortlewis.edu

The goal of this lab is to be able to build a ring oscillator using buses as well as building various logic gates using busses in electricVLSI.

Task 1:

Figure 1: Inverter short DRC checked

Figure 2: NCC clean for short inverter

Figure 3: Simulation of ring oscillator

Figure 4: Ring Oscillator using busses

Figure 5: Ring Oscillator with busses simulation

Busses cannot be used in layout since electric vlsi will not duplicate layouts nor will it be able to make series connections.

Figure 6: Ring Oscillator with NCC DRC and ERC clean

Task 2:

Figure 7: AND gate DRC clean

Figure 8: 8 bit and DRC clean

Figure 9: 8 bit and simulation

Figure 10: 8 bit and DRC ERC and NCC clean

Task 3:

Figure 11: OR gate DRC clean

Figure 12: OR gate simulation

Figure 13: OR gate layout DRC ERC and NCC clean

Figure 14: 8 bit or gate DRC clean

Figure 14.1: 8 bit OR simulation

Figure 15: OR gate layout with DRC ERC and NCC clean

Task 4:

Figure 15: NAND gate DRC clean

Figure 15.1: 8 bit NAND simulation

Figure 16: NAND layout DRC ERC and NCC clean

Task 5:

Figure 17: NOR schematic DRC clean

Figure 17.1: 8 bit NOR simulation

Figure 18: NOR layout DRC ERC and NCC clean

This lab was a bit tedious in the beginning learning how to work with busses and what errors ment. Once I figured out these issues I was able to move quickly through the lab. I know using busses will be a useful tool for large scale projects coming up later.