CE 433 Spring 2022
Lab 7: Basys 3 and LCD Display
Taylor Nakai

In this lab, we were tasked with designing a digital system to display a message on the LCD. The first part tasked us with designing a LCD driver that displayed a running text on the LCD using a Basys 3 board, 2x16 LCD, a potentiometer, and an Arduino Uno. The second part tasked us with modify the first part so that the text displayed static on the LCD display. The third part tasked us with replacing using characters with ASCII code to display 'Hello!!' on the LCD.

Task 1:
In this task, we were tasked with with designing a LCD driver that displayed a running text on the LCD using a Basys 3 board, 2x16 LCD, a potentiometer, and an Arduino Uno. Figure 1 displays the code needed to display a running text on the LCD. Figure 2 shows a demonstration of displaying a running text on the LCD.

Figure 1.
Code needed to display a running text on the LCD. 

Figure 2. Demonstration displaying a running text on the LCD.

Task 2:
In this task, we were tasked with modify the first part so that the text displayed static on the LCD display. Figure 3 displays the code needed to display static text on the LCD. Figure 4 shows a demonstration of displaying static text on the LCD.

Figure 3.
Code needed to display static text on the LCD.

Figure 4. Demonstration displaying static text on the LCD.

Task 3:
In this task, we were tasked us with replacing using characters with ASCII code to display 'Hello!!' on the LCD. Figure 5 displays the code needed to display static text on the LCD. Figure 6 shows a demonstration of displaying static text on the LCD.

Figure 5.
Code needed to display static text on the LCD using ASCII code.

Figure 6. Showing that a "Hello!!" can be displayed using ASCII code.

By completing this lab, we were able to gain more comfortability working with verilog, the Basys 3, and an LCD. We were able to gain more experience with working with displaying messages on the LCD in verilog. This lab took longer than expected because 3 of the wires that I was using were bad. I think that this lab was very beneficial as I got everything working and learned how to display a message on the LCD. I believe that these skills will be useful in the future.  Overall, this lab was interesting and I can't wait to learn more.