CE 433 Spring 2022
Sequential Circuit Tutorial
Taylor Nakai

In this homework, we were given the tasks of determining the logic equations from a state table, drawing sequential circuits, implementing sequence detectors in verilog using two methods, implemeting four different types of shift registers, building a conter module, and finding the logic equations of a circuit and implementing in verilog.

Task 1:
In task 1, we were given the task of using the state table given to determine the logic equations for q1(n+1) and y. Once the logic equations were found we were able to draw the sequential circuit for q1(n+1) and y. Figure 1 shows both the logic equations and the sequential circuit.

Figure 1. The logic equations and sequential circuit for the state table give.

Task 2:
In task 2, we were given the task of repeat the work done in section 3 to implement the sequence detector example in verilog using two methods (the given method and the behavioral one) in vivado and show the simulation results. Figure 2 shows the code and simulation of the first method given. Figure 3 shows the code and simulation of the second method, which implements a behavioral structure.

Figure 2. Sequence detector code and simulation in vivado using method given shown.

Figure 3. Sequence detector code and simulation in vivado using behavioral method.

Task 3:
In task 3, we were given the task of simulating four different types of shift registers. The four different types of shift registers include the serial in/serial out (SISO), parallel in/serial out (PISO), parallel in/parallel out (PIPO), and serial in/parallel out (SIPO). Figure 4 shows the code and simulation of the SISO shift register. Figure 5 shows the code and simulation of the PISO shift register. Figure 6 shows the code and simulation of the PIPO shift register. Figure 7 shows the code and simulation of the SIPO shift register.

SISO Shift Register

Figure 4. SISO code and simulation in vivado.
PISO Shift Register

Figure 5. PISO code and simulation in vivado.
PIPO Shift Register

Figure 6. PIPO code and simulation in vivado.
SIPO Shift Register

Figure 7. SIPO code and simulation in vivado.

Task 4:
In task 4, we were given the task of building a counter module and showing the simulation results. A n-bit synchronous counter was built in verilog, for testing purposes a two bit synchronous counter was used, and then simulated to verfify the logic. Figure 8 shows the code and simulation of the two bit synchronous counter.

Figure 8. Two bit synchronous counter code and simulation in vivado.

Task 5:
In task 5, we were given the task of finding the logic equations of the circuit shown in Figure 9. Once the logic equations were found we were then tasked with implementing it using verilog and testing it in vivado. Figure 10 shows the work to find the logic equations. Figure 11 shows the code and simulation results of the circuit.

Figure 9 Circuit given to find the logic equations.

Figure 10. Work done to find the logic equations.

Figure 11. Circuit code and simulation in vivado.

By completing this homwork, it allowed me to be more comfortable with determining the logic equations from a state table, drawing sequential circuits, implementing sequence detectors in verilog using two methods, implemeting four different types of shift registers, building a conter module, and finding the logic equations of a circuit and implementing in verilog. I liked this tutorial as it allowed us to actually use state tables and circuits. Overall, I think this homework was a really fun one and I look forward to the next!