CE 432 Fall 2021
Two-Wheel Balancing Car Project
Taylor Nakai
Presentation, 3D Print Files, EAGLE Files, and Code

In this project, we used referenced the tutorial created by Joop Brokking. The HW5: Joysticks/Stepper Motor was a brief introduction into how the stepper motor operates and the basic circuit needed to drive the stepper motor. It allowed us to learn how to drive the motor using the L298N H-Bridge Driver and use the A4988 stepper motor driver as they are crucial components in the Two-Wheel Balancing Car. To make the car frames, we had to measure materials to be able to create a two-level structure and had to 3D print certain parts to hold some of the components. Once we completed it, it was time to test the MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope sensor to understand acceleration and angular velocity. We also got to learn about the importance of a loop time. With that done, we had to debug the code to interface with our robot so that it would be able to balance. Throughout this project we had to use a lot of what we learned throughout the semester to help in making the robot balance. Everything done in this project can be found here.

Open-Smart Transceiver
Arduino Uno1
A4988 Motor Driver2
NEMA17 Stepper Motor2
100 uF Capacitor1
Lipo Battery3
Lipo Battery Catridge1
Jumper CablesInfinity
Acrylic Plastic Platforms 2
Wheels 2

Part 1, Task 5: Test the MPU6050 Accelerometer/Gyroscope Sensor
In Task 1, we looked at the pinout and schematic of the MPU6050 module. Looking at the schematic of the MPU6050 was important as we had to implement that design on our PCB as we were expected to attach the MPU6050 surface mount directly to the PCB. We learned that the MPU6050 operated at a VDD of 2.375V-3.46V and only supported I2C as the serial interface. Once we had knowledge of the MPU6050, we made simple hardware connections to test the acceleration and gyroscope readings, ensuring that when different gestures were performed that the data represented the gesture correctly. Once completed, we had to place the MPU module into the breadboard vertically so that the x-axis was parallel with gravity. If done correctly we should recieve a value that is somewhere close to 8192 for accel_x from the module but due to errors it will be off, as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Displaying accel_x when the MPU module is oriented vertically so that the x-axis is parallel to gravity.

Part 1, Task 6: Remove the Offset of the Gyro's Readings
In Task 2, since we noticed that the gyro's readings were not perfectly 0 we needed to add a calibration section in the code to be able to average out the first 500 readings to calibrate the gyro's readings. Once implemented, we were able to get an average of the readings that we could use for calibration, as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Reporting the averaged 'gyro_pitch_calibration_value' to the serial monitor.

Part 1, Task 7: The loop_timer variable
In Task 3, we learned about the importance of the loop_timer variable. To be able to unify the 'delta_t' of the PID controller of every loop of the loop(), we needed to add 'loop_timer = micros() +4000 in the setup function. In the loop function we needed to add a while loop, 'while(micros() < loop_timer)' and inside the while loop function we needed to add 'loop_timer += 4000'. To be able to understand the technique of using a loop_timer variable, we needed to put it in use by using the technique to blink a LED at a frequency of 1Hz, as seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Using the loop_timer technique to blink a LED at 1Hz.

Part 1, Task 8: Angle Calculation
In Task 4, we want to use the MPU to measure the angles by combining information from the accelerometer and the gyroscope. We was this functionality so that when the robot leans forward, it should sense the movement and the robot should react to prevent from tipping and same goes for it the robot leans backwards. Since the vertical acceleration is always 1 g, we can use the equation Theta = asin(Accel_Z/1 g) x 57.296 to get a value in degrees. Figure 4 shows the demonstration of the angle calculation through the serial monitor.


Figure 4. Angula calculations shown in the serial monitor.

Part 2, Task 1: Building Prototype
In Task 1, we had to build the frame of the balancing robot. The robot was build using two acrylic plastic platforms, two motors, a breadboard, 2 motordrivers, and an Arduino Uno. Figure 5 shows the completed balancing robot structure. In order to be able to hold many components on the robot, we had to 3D print some special parts. The special parts were mounts for the motors, adapters to connect the tires to the motors, and a battery mount. The top platform housed the Arduino Uno, the breadboard and component connections, and the 3 cell lipo batter cartridge. The wiring of the breadboard is shown in Figure 6. The bottom platform housed the two motors. The platforms were held together using 4 metal rods. The code was an adaptation of Joop Brookings work, which the previous Robotics II class had worked on. The code is found here, The code works on the principal of using an ISR interrupt to allow for two tasks to be executed at the same time, which is recieving the data from the MPU6050 and managing the PID controller. Most of the code doesn't need to be changed except for the 'acc_calibration_value', which the user must determine, using a program similar to thiswill help will finding that value. The PID values might need to be tweaked with depending on the robot. Once all was done the robot was tested to determine if it could balance. Working with Sophie Turner, we were able to get our balancing robot to balance, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 5. Structure of the robot.

Figure 6. Wiring of the breadboard.

Figure 7. Demonstration showing the balancing robot.

Part 2, Task 4: PCB Design, Fabrication, Soldering, and Testing.
In Task 2, we had to design a PCB for the robot that would implement the circuit built on the breadboard and one for the remote to control the robot. The PCB was designed using EAGLE, the schematic and BRD files. Instead of mounting the MPU module directly on the PCB, we were given the schematic to implement. Figure 8 shows the schematic while Figure 9 shows the BRD file. The final PCB can be seen in Figure 10, unfortunately we did not have time to implement that on our robot. My partner for this project Sophie Turner created the schematic for the controller and the bare PCB can be seen in Figure 11.

Figure 8. Schematic of robot PCB.

Figure 9. BRD of robot PCB.

Figure 10. Finished PCB with all parts soldered on.

Figure 11. Bare controller PCB.

By completing this project, we were able to learn a lot from the programming portion to the hardware portion. Using a lot of the same components that we had previously seen before definitely made it a little easier. Reading through the code provided helped in understanding what was going on and why certain bits of code were implemented. Being able to build the robot from scratch was a nice experience as we got to see the entire process. There were some frustrating things that happened along the way but it made it all worth it seeing the robot balance. Overall, this project was good as it enforced a lot of the topic we had learned throught the course.