ENGR338 Lab 2021 Spring
Lab 9 Design a Simple 8-bit ALU
Tyrone Bracker

Lab 9 Report: The 8-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit


    This lab dealt with one thing and that's the arithmetic logic unit or "ALU" for short. There were four operations this ALU could execute and those were addition, subtraction, AND logic, & OR logic. The goal was to developing a schematic, test that schematic in LTSpice, then finish the lab with the layout of the 8-bit ALU. The real challenge came towards the end when it came time to create the layout, for many reasons.
Materials and Methods   
    Task 1 was about creating the schematic and running it through some simulations to check the logic. The schematic consisted of an 8-bit AND gate, 8-bit OR gate, different inverters for all three8-bit MUXs, and the 8-bit Full Adder developed in the last lab. Below you can see the final schematic along with the DRC scan successfully passed.

Figure 1. Final 8bit_ALU{sch} design with DRC scan passed!

After the schematic was complete, three simulations were ran in LTSpice to further prove that the design was correct and the logic for each operation worked. The different operations were determined by variables S1 and S0; if S1S0 = "00" then that would make the ALU operate in AND logic, "01" for OR logic, "10" for addition, & "11" for subtraction. Variables S[0:7] will represent the output of A and B depending on the operation. Co[7] is used in case there's a overflow and it "carries out" that 9th bit. In the following four figures are demonstrations of each simulation outputting the correct results.

Figure 2. S1S0 = 00 (AND logic), A=1111 1111 AND B=0000 0000 = 0000 0000, Co= 0

Figure 3. S1S0 = 01 (OR logic), A=1111 1111 OR B=0000 0000 = 1111 1111, Co= 1

Figure 4. S1S0 = 10 (addition operation), A=1111 1111 + B=0000 0001 = 0000 0000, Co= 1

Figure 5. S1S0 = 11 (subtraction operation), A=1111 1111 - B=0000 0000 = 1111 1110, Co= 1

    Task 2 was when the layout was designed for the 8-bit ALU. This took a lot of time and immense concentration to complete. The overall structure was followed by what was provided in the lab itself. I made the mistake of importing different designs from previous labs and had to go through and replace/update almost 6 to 8 designs that I had already made. Eventually I had successfully created the layout with it passing the DRC and NCC scans, all of which can be seen below.

Figure 6. Final 8bit_ALU{layout} design

Figure 7. 8bit_ALU{layout} with DRC and NCC scans successfully passed.

    This lab was pretty challenging but I'm sure that was the idea. I'd say it's a good last lab to have, since it can feel like the ultimate design. At times I did get frustrated with ElectricVLSI because of the way it imports the same design over to a new library but with time I managed to finish the ALU. Some parts were confusing and required help from others but I know that that's part of the process sometimes. I'm glad to be done with this lab, it certainly made me work for that final successful NCC scan.