Scott Orban
CE 351

The purpose of this assignment was to experiment with multiple other microcontrollers and to test their possibilities.

In the first tutorial we used an MPS430 microcontroller and the Energia IDE. An HC-05 bluetooth module was used to comminicate with a smartphone. An ssd1306 was also used to display text from the smartphone.
In the second tutorial we used an STM32 microcontroller and the Cube IDE. An MPU6050 was used to acquire acceleration data.



Video 1: Running a simple blink program.

Figure 1: Testing the serial communication.

Video 2: Controlling the blinking speed and brightness of 2 LEDs using a voltage divider and potentiometer as analog inputs.

Figure 2: The minimum and maximum values of the potentiometer. The minimum is not totally accurate because some resistance from the potentiometer is still affecting the circuit even when turned all the way down.

Video 3: Using a phone app to blink an LED over bluetooth.

Video 4: Using voice commands to control an LED over bluetooth.

Video 5: OLED demonstration video.

Figure 3: Displaying text only.

Figure 4: Entering text in the bluetooth terminal.

Figure 5: The text displaying on the OLED screen.


Video 6: Blinking an LED.

Figure 6: Displaying text over the serial monitor.

Figure 7: Echoing data over UART.

Figure 8: Recieving acceleration data from an MPU6050.

It was very interesting to get to use something other than an Arduino for once. The Cube IDE wasn't very user friendly but I'm sure it is only because it has many useful features that we did not have time to really explore.