Scott Orban
CE 351

The goal of this project was to prototype a commercial IOT temperature sensing product. It was broken down into smaller pieces to experiment with before assembling the entire thing together.

The temperature sensor used was a DS18B20. It reads in temperature data and sends it to a master-configured Arduino Nano. The master Nano displays the data on a SSD1306 OLED display and then transfers it to another Nano in slave configuration. The slave Nano
receives the data through an ISR, then uploads it to ThingSpeak via an ESP8266 wifi module. The display() function for the OLED display conflicts with the Serial.print() function in Arduino, but using two Nano's as master/slave solves this problem.


Video 1: OLED text demonstration.

Figure 1: The temperature sensor circuit.

Figure 2: The output of the circuit from figure 1.

Figure 3: The
temperature being displayed on the OLED.

Video 2: The temperature being displayed on the OLED with the ISR blinking an LED.

Video 3: The master/slave Nano configuration uploading the temperature data to ThingSpeak.

I had difficulty getting the data to upload to ThingSpeak, but eventually got it to work. The ESP8266 would connect to my router but would not connect to ThingSpeak. When I used my phones hotspot feature the data uploaded to ThingSpeak with no problems.