CE432 Robotics II Fall 2022
Homework 7 - ESP32 CAM Soldering
Name: Ryan Jeanes
Email: rejeanes@fortlewis.edu
Homework 7 - ESP32 CAM Soldering
For this assignment, we integrated our PCB designs into the cars we built.

The PCB for the car includes connections for the ESP32-CAM board, headers for the 6 outputs to control the motors, 5 pins for serial and grounding the IO0 pin to allow for uploading code to the board, and a mount for the LM2596 voltage regulator. There is a connector for 12V input that only feeds to the LM2596. Since the schematic I found wasn't super clear for the dimensions, I included a connector for 5V input so that the board can still be powered should the custom footprint not fit the LM2596.

Figure 1 - Schematic for PCB used to control the car.

Figure 2 - PCB layout.

Figure 3 - Photo of the assembled car connected to USB.

The car is able to create the webserver and be controlled by pushing the buttons. The car accelerates and decelerates by incrementing/decrementing the output on the A and B motor EN pins with a 5ms delay between each step. I attempted to have the stream rotated, which works fine on the desktop, but on my mobile phone, which is what I will use for the demo, the stream blocked the buttons. Trying to float or align both the buttons and stream images to certain areas didn't fix this issue, and I do not know enough HTML or css to fix this issue.
Code used for controlling the car.