ENGR338 Digital Electronics Lab 2021 Fall

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

1. Review of Superposition, Thevenin's Equivalent Circuit, and LTSpice

2. The purpose of this lab was to review the topics that relate to digital electronics and refresh previous knowledge.

3. Materials and Methods

LTSpice computer Application
Paper and Pencil

4. Results

Figure 1. First curcuit modeled using LTSpice and simulated.

Figure 2. Second curcuit modeled using LTSpice and simulated.

Figure 3. Hand calculations for finding current and voltage using superposition.

Figure 4. Hand calculations using Thevenin's Equivalent Circuit and time delay.

5. Discussion

LTSpice is a great tool for checking work and making sure the superposition method is correct. I Believe more practice is needed for sucsess on these topics but the lab helped to get the concepts down. The code for LTSpice is useful and effective for modeling curcuits. It was interesting to see the capcitor get sufficently charged over a period of time and model this using LTSpice.