CE433 Embedded Devices

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

1. Basys 3 The Square Problem with Pushbuttons and Seven Segment Display

2.  The purpose of this lab is to complete the square problem with pushbuttons, seven segment display, and leds. Simililarly to become more familair with pico blaze and the process and to show result of seven segment display with led display as well.

3. Materials and Methods

Vim computer Application
Basys 3 board/ LCD
Vivado Application

4. Results

Figure 1.  Task 1 and task 2 modifications to the provided square problem with push buttons and seven segment display and demonstration with leds.

Figure 2.  Modification to the Disp v file to create the led printing.

Figure 3. Modification to display results in HEX on LCD display.

5. Discussion
The lab was beneficial for understanding code further and harnessing the ablilties of PicoBlaze. The code and process was worth it in the end one once it was completed once wasnt hard to keep writing to a prog file or a different rom file. Overall the lab was benefitial for further understanding verilog code, picoblaze, and the picoblaze process.