CE433 Embedded Devices

Noah Peterson
Email: npeterson@fortlewis.edu

1. Basys 3  Board to Implement an LCD Driver

2.  The purpose of this lab is to create an LCD driver and display a translator module on the LCD display. This code will then be modified to show text that is steady and being inputed quickly to not show each indivual bit assignment. Lastly ASCII code will be used to display text using numbers versus the actual charaters.
3. Materials and Methods

Vim computer Application
Basys 3 board/ LCD
Vivado Application

4. Results

Figure 1. Tasks shown include replication of translator module and top (english and spanish), steady text, and ASCII code displaying "Hello !!"

(clk_parameter modification will increase or decrease the print speed of the letters in the LCD)

(8'h40 modified with ASCII numbers to display Hello !!)

Figure 2. Respective code featuring task 2 modifications and task 3, to make steady lcd and print using ASCII code respectivly.

5. Discussion
The lab was beneficial for understanding code further and harnessing the ablilties of the LCD display. The hands on wiring was fairly straight-forward by following book instructions and also challanging and fun at the same time. Overall the lab was benefitial for further understanding verilog code and clk print speed.