Nicolas Llarena

1135 Florida Rd.  Durango, CO 81301

(970) 317-0815 | |

ENGR 351 - Microcontrollers - Fall 2020 Lab
A study of the typical architecture and internal units of  microcontrollers and their application to analog and digital embedded systems
and FPGAs. Topics will include: Low-level programming in C, instruction and register sets and input/output for a given microcontroller
family, interfacing of analog and digital signals and devices, serial communications, interrupts and service routines, process priority,
and timing analysis.

ENGR 338 - Digital Electronics - Spring 2021 Lab
Covers the design and application of digital logic circuits, including the application of Boolean algebra to the synthesis of logic circuits.
Covers both combinational and sequential logic circuits, including latches, flip-flops, state diagrams, and the general understanding of
hardware operations in a simple computer. Includes engineering design applications.

CE 432 - Robotics II - Fall 2021
This course focuses on advances concepts and understanding in robotics. “Advanced Robotics” will teach the key concepts used by
manipulating robots and provide hands-on experience with state-of-the-art software and systems. Lecture materials are supported by
exercises around the “Robot Operating System” ROS and will lead to the completion of a group project.

CE 433 - Embedded Devices - Spring 2022
This is a hands-on, learn-by-doing course that trains students to build solutions to real-world problems using embedded systems.
The course uses a bottom-up approach to problem-solving, building gradually from simple interfacing of switches and LEDs to
complex concepts like display drivers, digital to analog conversion, analog to digital conversion, graphics, interrupts
(real-time systems), and communication.