Max Krauss
CE 351 HW 2
LEDs and SSDs

Intro: This two week tutorial allows one to gain experience coding with Arduinos and learn how LEDs and SSDs can be manipulated with them.

Materials: Arduino Uno R3, CE 351 toolbox, and Arduino software.

LED Tutorial

1.1 Blink the on-board LED

Q1: To make LED blink faster, shorten the delay time.
Q2: To turn the LED on without turning it off, only write the LED to high.
Q3: To keep the LED on longer than off, delay the write to high longer than you delay the write to low.

1.2 Blink an external LED

1.3 Make running LEDs

2.1 Push to turn on, release to turn off

2.2 Push to turn off, release to turn on

2.3 Push to blink the LED w/ 2.4 Modifications

Figure 2.4: Arduino code modification for task 2.4.

Seven-segment display Tutorial

2.1 SSD powered by SEVEN wires

Figure 2.1: Images of SSD powered by two wires displaying 8 and 2. The other 7 digits can be displayed by plugging/unplugging the seven wires.

2.2 SSD powered by THREE wires (manually)

Figure 2.2: SSD powered by three wires manually. Other 6 digits can be displayed by plugging/unplugging the wires as seen in the figure.

2.3 SSD powerd by ONE wire (only one digital line to control all seven pins)

The code for MSBFIRST was provided. Below is the code modifications when changing to LSBFIRST. The setup module and pin definition stay the same.

Figure 2.3: Modified 2.3 code for LSBFIRST.

2.4 SSD powerd by ONE wire (More than ONE SSD devices)

Figure 2.4: Code for 4-digit SSD to display 2022.

Figure 2.5: Image verification for 4-digit SSD powered by one wire.



the tutorials allow for one to start to build an understanding of

coding in Arduino and a glimpse into the world of


found these tutorials quite fun as they allowed for hands-on

verification of one’s code.


these schematics on our own breadboard and setting the pins was also

super cool.