CE338 Digital VLSI Design Lab 2023 Fall
Lab 7
Name: Jesse Moder

Email: jmmoder@fortlewis.edu

Using Buses in ElectricVLSI

2. Introduction

The objectives of this tutorial were to build a ring oscillator using buses and to build multi-bit gates using ElectricVLSI.

3. Materials and Methods

ElectricVLSI was used to build a ring oscillator and 8 bit AND, OR, NAND, and NOR gates. The ring
oscillator was first constructed using 11 inverters, which passed DRC and the logic was simulated.
The ring oscillator was then constructed using the inverter icon view connected to the [0:9] inputs and
[0:9] ouput with a bus and the logic was simulated. The layout icon view and ring oscillator were then

The AND, OR, NAND, and NOR gate schematics and layouts were constructed with PMOS and NMOS components.
The OR gate was simulated to demonstrate the logic and ensure proper connections.
The 8-bit AND, OR, NAND, and NOR gate shematics with bus connections were then
constructed and simulated. The 8-bit schematics were simulated with B0, B2, B4, and B6 connected to ground and
B1, B3, B5, and B7 connected to vdd. A[0:7] were connected to vdd for simulation to demonstrate the logic.
The 8-bit layout was then constructed for each gate.

4. Results

Figure 1.1 shows the inverter short layout and DRC.
inverter short
Figure 1.1: Inverter short layout.

Figure 1.2 shows the schematic of the ring oscillator, DRC, and LTSpice simulation.
ring oscillator
Figure 1.2: The ring oscillator and simulation.

Figure 1.3 shows the ring oscillator schematic constructed using buses, DRC, and LTSpice simulation.
oscillator bus sim
Figure 1.3: Bus ring oscillator and simulation.

Figure 1.4 shows the ring oscillator schematic using the inverter layout icons and DRC.
oscillator icon layout
Figure 1.4: Inverter layout icon ring oscillator.

Figure 1.5 shows the ring oscillator layout and DRC.

ring oscillator layout
Figure 1.5: The ring oscillator layout.

Figure 2.1 shows the and gate schematic and DRC.
and schematic
Figure 2.1: AND gate schematic.

Figure 2.2 shows the AND gate layout passing the DRC and NCC.
and layout
Figure 2.2: AND gate layout.

Figure 2.3 shows the 8-bit AND schematic connected using buses and DRC.
8bit and schematic
Figure 2.3: 8-bit AND gate schematic.

Figure 2.4 shows the 8-bit AND simulation schematic and LTSpice simulation with A connected to vdd.
and vdd
Figure 2.4: 8-bit AND simulation schematic and simulation, A connected to vdd.

Figure 2.5 shows the 8-bit AND simulation schematic and LTSpice simulation with A connected to ground.
and gnd
Figure 2.5: 8-bit AND simulation schematic and simulation, A connected to ground.

Figure 2.6 shows the 8-bit AND layout, DRC, and NCC check.
8bit and layout
Figure 2.6: 8-bit AND layout.

Figure 3.1 shows the OR schematic and DRC.
or simulation
Figure 3.1: OR schematic.

Figure 3.2 shows the OR simulation schematic and LTSpice simulation.
or simulation
Figure 3.2: OR simulation schematic and simulation.

Figure 3.3 shows the OR layout passing the DRC and NCC.
or layout
Figure 3.3: OR layout.

Figure 3.4 shows the 8-bit OR schematic and DRC.
8 bit or schematic
Figure 3.4: 8-bit OR schematic.

Figure 3.5 shows the simulation schematic for the 8-bit OR with A connected to vdd.
8 bit or simulation
Figure 3.5: 8-bit OR simulation schematic and simulation.

Figure 3.6 shows the layout of the 8-bit OR and DRC and NCC.
8bit or
Figure 3.6: 8-bit OR layout.

Figure 4.1 shows the schematic of the 8-bit NAND and DRC.
8 bit nand schematic
Figure 4.1: 8-bit NAND schematic.

Figure 4.2 shows the 8-bit NAND simulation schematic and LTSpcie simulation.
8 bit nand simulation
Figure 4.2: 8-bit NAND simulation schematic and simulation.

Figure 4.3 shows the 8-bit NAND layout and NCC.
nand layout
Figure 4.3: 8-bit NAND layout.

Figure 5.1 shows the 8-bit NOR schematic and DRC.
8 bit nor schematic
Figure 5.1: 8-bit NOR schematic.

Figure 5.2 shows the 8-bit NOR schematic and LTSpice simulation.
8 bit nor simulation
Figure 5.2: 8-bit NOR simulation schematic and simulation.

Figure 5.3 shows the 8-bit NOR layout and NCC.
8 bit nor layout
Figure 5.3: 8-bit NOR layout.

5. Discussion

Laying out mulit-bit gates was good practice for learning design rules and ensuring all of the exports and connections match between the schematic and layout.
Constructing the ring oscillator demonstrated how using buses is more efficient than manually laying out the number of components required.
Practicing connecting 8-bit gates is good preperationfor the more complicated MUX and high-speed full adder layouts.