CE432 Fall 2022
Homework 6
Name: David Lee

Email: djlee1@fortlewis.edu

Joystick Stepper Motor Control

Using an Analog joystick wirelessly control a Stepper Motor

Materials and Methods:
2x Arduino Unos, 1 Analog Joystick 1 Motor and 1 motor controller


Task 1: Connect JoyStick to the Arduino Uno

Figure 1: Shows Joystick connected to the Arduino

Figure 2: Serial Printout of the Joysticks Values

Task 2: Using 2 ESP32s and Arduino Unos Wirelessly send the Data from the Joystick to the other Arduino

Figure 3: Shows the connection of the Circuit

Figure 4: Shows a video demonstration of the circuit functioning properly

For this task I want to add the LED lights to have an easier way to see the joystick value changes.

Task 3: Have the Joystick control the stepper motor through wireless commands

Figure 5: Shows the connection of the completed Circuit

Figure 6: Shows a video demonstration of the circuit functioning properly

The Code for this project is on the server: djlee1/CE432/HW6/JoyStickReciever or djlee1/CE432/HW6/JoyStickTransmitter

This project was good to complete. The joytick control and setup was straight forward since I've used it with the yoshi nightmare project. The hardest part was making sure the connections between the motor, motor controller and arduino were correct. The only issue I ran into was when trying to test the motor the delay was too long so it wasnt spinning like it should've. So i decreased the delay and it worked like it was suppose to. Overall the project was able to be successfully completed.