CE433 Embedded Devices
Lab 3
- Seven Segment Display on FPGA

Connor O'Keefe
Email: cwokeefe@fortlewis.edu

The Basys 3 board will be used to impliment 1) an inverter, a 2-bit full adder, an 8-input AND, and a 4-1 MUX, 2) perform a running LED on the board, 3) interface with the 7-segment display to show the numbers 0-9 and 4) show the previous step with only one display on.
Materials and Methods
-Basys 3 FPGA


Using gVim, the testbenches and module wwere either followed or designed for the given task. The code was then added to a Vivado simulation and/or uploaded to the FPGA.


Task 1: Using Verilog and Vivado to demonstrate the following combinational logic blocks in both simulation and on the board (switches/leds):
1) Inverter

Fig 1. Inverter gVim Code

Fig 2. Inverter Simulation

A video demo is show below

2) 2-bit full adder

Fig 3. gVim 2-bit Full Adder Code.

Fig 4. Vivado 2-Bit Full Adder Simulation

3) 8-input And

Fig 5. gVim 8-input AND Code.

Fig 6. Vivado 8-input AND simulation.

4) 4-1 MUX

Fig 7. gVim 4-to-1 MUX Code.

Fig 8. Vivado 4-to-1 MUX Simulation.

Task 2: Perform a running LED on the Basys 3.

Fig 9. gVim Running LED Code

Task 3: Interface with the 7-segment display.

Fig 10. gVim 7-Segment Display Code with Switch Interface.

Task 4: Interact with only one of the 7-segment displays.
The code here will be the same. The second video is an demo of the on board memory.

This lab was very helpful in learning how to interact with the Basys 3 board and simulate in Vivado. For example, we had to design testbenches for most of the simulations and uplaods to the Basys 3.