CE432 2022 Fall
Lab 2
Braden Morrow
Email: bdmorrow@fortlewis.edu

1. Lab 2 - Take Photos

2. Introduction
The purpose of this tutorial was to familarize ourselves with some of the more advanced photo taking and web server techniques associated with the ESP-32 Cam.

3. Results
Task 1:
This task asked us to have the ESP-32 Cam take photos on it's own using a 'delay timer' and save those photos to an sd card. Figure 1 shows the photos the cam took.
Figure 1. Results from ESP-32 Cam 'Delay Timer'

Task 2:
This task asked us to have the ESP-32 Cam take photos on it's own using a 'delay timer' and save those photos to an sd card with a timestamp name. Figure 2 shows the renamed photos from the camera.

Figure 2. Results from ESP-32 Cam with New Names

Task 3:
This task asked us to have the ESP-32 Cam take photos when prompted via a pushbutton. Figure 3 shows the ESP-32 taking pictures via pushbutton and the resulting photos.
Figure 3. Results from ESP-32 Cam Pushbutton Controller

Task 4:
This task asked us to have the ESP-32 Cam take photos while being controlled by a web server. Figure 4 shows the results from photos taken via the web server.
Figure 4. Results from ESP-32 Cam Web Server Controller

Task 5:
This task asked us to have the ESP-32 Cam take photos that are saved to an sd card while being controlled by a web server. These photos can be deleted or viewed from the web server. Figure 5 shows one photo being displayed and the other photos on the sd card memory. 
Figure 5. Results from ESP-32 Cam Web Server Controller with View and Delete Fucntionality

Task 6:
This task asked us to have the ESP-32 Cam take photos that are sent via a mail client to a recipient email address. Figure 6 shows the resulting email from the mail client.
Figure 6. Results from ESP-32 Cam Mail Client

Task 7:
This task asked us to combine the functionality from Task 4 and Task 6 to have a web sevrer which can email the photo to a recipient email address. Figure 7 shows both the web server/serial monitor logs and the email the mail client sent.
Figure 7. Results from ESP-32 Cam Web Server/Mail Client

Task 8:
This task asked us to have the ESP-32 Cam take photos and turn it's flash on and off via the Telegram app. Figure 8 shows the resulting photos that were sent to the Telegram app and the serial monitor logs.
Figure 8. Results from ESP-32 Cam Telegram App Controller

5. Discussion

This was a good introduction into the ESP32-CAM's more advanced functionality. I've never sent commands to a microcontroller via an app before, and that was a very enlightening task. This was a good overview of the power of a small camera with a microcontroller and WiFi functionality.